In the Classroom


This past weekend I and the sweet organization Dataspelsakademin did a test run of a special kind of course that I have been wanting to do for a long time. The idea was to help people with an interest in game making technology (Unity to be precise) to get started and begin working on their own projects, expressing themselves through interactivity and world building. Unfortunately I caught the flu so the second day my two very nice friends Ebbe and Hugo had to jump in and finish the whole thing all by themselves (thanks guys!!!)

Nevertheless it was really great to see the whole thing work out and I think that we will try some even more ambitious incarnations of this idea soon again. So if you live in Gothenburg (or can travel here) and are interested in this kind of stuff, keep your eyes and ears open!


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3 Comments on “In the Classroom”

  1. Lovely to see you sharing your knowledge and helping other people start creating and expressing themselves. Great stuff :)

  2. John Says:

    Hi, what a great idea with this kind of nice event, where do i look for a upcoming event in Gothenburg?

    • eriksvedang Says:

      Here on this site and on my Twitter, to start. Dataspelsakademin will write on their site too about all their events (but it’s kinda being redesigned right now it seems). Hopefully there will be some more channels but I don’t know which ones!

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